Self-help magazines, books and gurus often talk about “living consciously,” “living purposefully,” “living intentionally”…..and as I...

We're Glued to FestiTalker Courtney Elmer, Find Out Why!
Courtney is a Success Coach & Transformational Speaker known for her ability to help business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders pinpoint...

3 Ways to Take a Break From Life Before Life Breaks You By FestiTalker, Dr. Michelle Clay
You can’t take a break from life but you can give yourself a break and not allow life to just “happen” to you. As life “happens” and...

What Are You Forgetting?
Everyone gets that feeling - the "oh snap, I'm forgetting something important...but I don't know what." Well, we can prevent that! Use...

Pick Your Passion at FestiGals!
Looking for a day just for you? Tell your boss to send you to the New Orleans Women's Leadership Conference – it’s a business expense and...

Don't Miss Your Chance for Celebrities, Wine, & More!
Celebrity Sighting at FestiGals! Zoe McLellan, Founder of Heart Screams, a speaker of truth, mom, writer, and actress from NCIS: New...

Spring is in the Air - Grow with FestiGals!
Join FestiGals & NAWBO (New Orleans Association of Women Business Owners) for an evening of networking and discussion with women who have...

A Special Mother's Day Treat
FestiGals Ultimate Diva Package Mother's Day is a fabulous time to honor all the remarkable women in your life! Purchase a FestiGals...

Get to Know Our Keynote Speaker, Linda Alvarado
Linda Alvarado, Co-Owner Colorado Rockies & President/CEO Alvarado Construction and now FestiGals 2017 Keynote Speaker! Linda Alvarado...

Introducing FestiGals 2017: Grand Diva, Keynote Speaker & more
MLB Owner takes Center Stage Headlining the New Orleans Women’s Leadership Conference on Friday, June 23, will be Linda Alvarado,...