What Are You Forgetting?
Everyone gets that feeling - the "oh snap, I'm forgetting something important...but I don't know what." Well, we can prevent that! Use our Top 10 Things to Bring to FestiGals List as a checklist before FestiGals!

1. Your phone
You’ll want to live stream/take pics of all the crazy things you’ll see at FestiGals!
2. A cell phone charger
On the go charging of your phone, so you never miss a perfect social media moment.
3. Your business cards
You’ll be networking with successful women all weekend long.
4. Boas and Hats
Considered costumes everywhere else, boas, hats and bodacious accessories are FestiGals staples.
5. An open mind
Because we’ll be discussing a wide range of topics at the New Orleans Women’s Leadership Conference.
6. Comfy shoes
You won’t always be in your brunch best or business casual attire -- the Stiletto Stroll is flip flops/flats/sneaker-approved.
7. Cash
Vendors of all kinds will be selling their products Friday and Saturday at the Vendor Showcase. There will be some fun-fundraising activities at the Stiletto Stroll After Glow Party benefiting the New Orleans Family Justice Center
8. Your ID
You look so young, we’ll have to card ‘ya! Bring your ID to enter our all-inclusive After Glow Party at Harrah’s New Orleans Casino Theater Saturday night.
9. Your appetite
We’ll be serving ribs, gumbo, biscuits, strawberry shortcake, and more throughout the weekend. Don’t forget our culinary demo at Sac-A-Lait Friday evening for our Ultimate Package ladies! Someone’s got to eat it, so bring your appetite and enjoy yourself--you’ve earned it.
10. Your friends
FestiGals is best experienced with a friend. If yours can’t make it, you are guaranteed to meet FestiBesties all weekend!