FestiGals is on the Move with Upcoming Events, New Staff Members & a Festi Flashback

Don’t forget to register for our next Cocktails & Conversations
Tuesday, November 15 5:30-7:30 pm The Historic New Orleans Collection 533 Royal Street
Join us for a spectacular evening of modern day shopping with a historical look back into 19th and early 20th century shop windows in the cosmopolitan Crescent City, led by decorative arts curator Lydia Blackmore. Featuring Complimentary Wine & Nibbles, Free Tour of the Exhibit "Goods of Every Description: Shopping in New Orleans, 1825–1925," and 10% Discount in The Shop
We are happy to introduce the two newest members of our FestiGals team.

Ashley Hilsman joins us as our Project Manager. Over the past two years since moving to the Crescent City from South Carolina, she quickly found her passion for crawfish, parades and our beloved Saints. Ashley’s love of food has sent her on a quest to visit every restaurant in town. When she’s not dining around, you can find her Uptown walking her Dachshund-Chihuahua, Folly.

Jolie Robichaux is our latest FestiIntern. She is a recent Public Relations graduate from Louisiana State University living it up in the Big Easy. A native Louisiana Cajun, Jolie enjoys cracking the claws of boiled crabs. Her favorite snoball flavor is pralines & cream.

Mark your calendar for December 15th for a VIP preview of NOLA ChristmasFest in conjunction with the Chamber. Be the first to hit the ice — not literally, of course! More to come...
Taking a look back on FestiGals 2016...
Alison & her group took home the live painting, created by Shannon Mullen with Save the Date Artistry, at the Bodacious Bras for a Cause Brunch. Visit her website at: savethedateartistry.webs.com. Thank you ladies!