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Thriver Thursday: Therese Duke

Therese (ta-rez) is proof that we are all at risk: she lived a healthy lifestyle with daily exercise, a healthy diet, and no family history of breast cancer. But, late 2014, a routine mammogram revealed the tiniest of tumors that could have gone on for years without detection. It was breast cancer and it was a shock! She had a lumpectomy, endured radiation treatment and now takes medication. She thrives because she is a fighter. She thrives because she knows how lucky she is to be back home in New Orleans surrounded by an amazing support group of sisters, nieces and friends. She thrives because she has so much to live for.

Therese was one of our models at the 2015 Thriver Fashion Show during the Bodacious Bras for a Cause Luncheon. Stay tuned as we feature more Thrivers every Thursday.

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